There was a notion in ancient times that the earth is set on sapphire, and hence, the sky is blue. Sapphire is associated with physical and emotional balance. Attributes like wisdom, purity and sympathy are linked with sapphire. Sapphire also stands for qualities required in a healthy relationship, like loyalty, faithfulness, truth, sincerity, constancy and reliability. Therefore, it signifies long term relationships. Sapphire also said to inspire clarity of thoughts and improve problem solving capacity. It is said to protect the possessor from evil thoughts. In ancient times, sapphire was used to perceive future. Hence, it is also believed, that sapphire strengthens the power of intuition
The name sapphire is believed to originate from 'sapphirus', the Greek word, meaning blue. Sapphire has been found in Sri Lanka, since the 7th century. It is also found in Australia, America, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria.
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